Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some pics of our visit in Las Vegas on our way home from Cortney and family.

This is the largest chocolate fountain. This is at the entrance to a candy store but we didn't go in. Check out my eye candy though...all he needs is to be dipped in chocolate.
Yes, it's spring and I'm having a difficult time getting rid of the giant ants in my garden. Any suggestions?
The giant bumblebees are a bit of a problem too...[the "droppings"don't ya know. They fly overhead and then SPLAT! It gets to be messy.] I don't mind the huge flutterbys though. Wow! Who is that gorgeous hunk posing in this pic? I just know he's checking me out.

I loved these plates. I wanted one but they are $225.oo each. I fell in love with the fruit and vegetable ones. I thought they were fantastic. I only got a few pics of these flowers. There was a good selection of flowers, etc. but Randy was in a hurry to eat [as usual] and we didn't have much time. tee hee... This is The Giardini Garden Store in the casino.

Yep. This is a pic of my front yard. [If only!] Beautiful though it is, this is in The Belagio Casino. I'm not sure I spelled it right but the display is spectular.
I'll post more of our Arizona trip soon...


Kimberly said...

Wow, those flowers are beautiful! I wish I could do something like that, but I totally am missing a green thumb. And I lauged at all your funny comments about the insects. Sadly, I really do have a huge ant problem in my kitchen that I just can't seem to get rid of. I spoke to our landlords and apparently I was lucky enough to inherit the problem, but it made me feel better than thinking it was because of my kids eating cookies all the time and leaving crumbs for the ants to get. Anyway, those plates are amazing too. I'm glad you guys had some fun on your long drive! Can't wait to see more from your trip! Oh, and I hope your foot gets better soon too. Keep me posted. Love you!

The Pierce Post said...

Great, you totally made me hungary for chocolate! And those flowers are breathtaking! I can picture Randy standing there singing, "Im too sexy for these flowers." Either that or "just hurry up and take the picture Pam, Im hungry!" Looks like you guys had Almost as much fun in Vegas as you did with us. ;)
Can't wait to see more pics...just not of my butt, -k-?

The Pierce Post said...

p.s. I'm surprised that the "blog fairy" hasn't changed your background to some flowers yet. hint hint Darci. tee hee.

Darci said...

Looks like you two had a great time in the city that never sleeps! Those flowers are gorgeous, and your comments are funny! I agree that the plates are pretty, but HOW MUCH do they cost?!? That's crazy! But with Mother's Day around the corner I guess you could get me the one with purple flowers on it...HAHAHAHA! Just kidding! ;o) Great post!

Darci said...

Oh, and I will have to find you a background to match...though frogs do live in gardens! ;) The boys and I saw one in our yard just the other day. Colton is not a fan.