Monday, June 29, 2009

Confused on who is the clown?

This ISN'T a trick question....

As you can tell, I'm having a deep conversation here.
Quite chatty. I'm getting caught up on all the gossip.

Although, after awhile, I begin to feel like I'm doing all the talking.
No wonder I find him sooo interesting!

Could this be true love?
He is the big, strong, MacSilent type. Very solid. Plus, his skin is so soft. I wonder who his makeup artist is...
I hear he's really good in the kitchen too. Wow. A man who's a good listener and COOKS! [Not sure how I feel about the orange hair though.] Plus, he does have big feet. Oh well. Ya know what they say about a man having big feet...yep, big shoes.

Some pics of our living room...

I snapped a few quick shots so Cortney could see the style of the couches and to get an idea of the colors. She remembered liking them and they are needing new furniture for the family room. The back of the couch in this pic looks all washed out and faded.

The picture hanging by the front door is a picture of the Sacred Grove. Just for pondering minds...

In-Law-Son, I found a pond for you and your illustrious kayaka!

Now that you have practiced your famous kayaking skills, and are feeling a bit more confident, Darci and I think you are ready to graduate from the swimming pool to a small pond. You just have to share it with Daffy and the gang.

Don't worry...they don't 'flap' around as much as you do. Don't be afraid....
Tee hee!

The only drawback to this pond is, it's in Colorado and on top of a mountain.
Love ya...just having some more fun with ya!

Monday, June 22, 2009

My new pilot car...

I'd be stylin' in this weener. I spoke to the driver and this

weenie can travel speeds up to 65mph. The ride is pretty high up so I'd get a really good view for piloting. Just not sure how I'd mount the headache rack .

It sure received a lot of attention while fueling up. The people driving it wouldn't let us look inside. The vehicle was on the way to California.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hey In-Law-Son!

These pictures are of the Colorado River going through Glenwood Springs Canyon toward Denver. The road is very narrow and there isn't a wide spot to pull over so I tried taking pictures from the truck.

I know this isn't your pool, but I'm sure you can handle the Colorado!

Monday, June 15, 2009

A horse is a horse...UNLESS it's yours.

Hey Cortney, do you remember your visit with us in Vernal and Randy and I sitting Kailey and Jake on Jump To Something and taking pictures? This is Jump and her baby. We went through Vernal on our way to Parachute so we could see Bill's horses and Jump's baby. The weather decided to cooperate and stop raining long enough for our visit and to take pictures. Jump is almost all white now. She is getting older but she is a good mother and she has a nice looking baby. You would have thought that Bill had something to do with it. Proud parent, tee hee. Being experienced horsemen, I guess they see something I don't.

Yep. A tail. two ears, and four legs. That's a horse alright. The colt standing next to Randy got part of his ears frozen off a few months ago when it was cold.

Randy and some of Bill's horses in Vernal. We just arrived and Randy is pointing to Jump and her baby to the left in the picture.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Our Kailey Girl at her preschool graduation ceremony.

"Yes. I have been told that my eyes glow like Edwards'. I'm too sexy for this frock."

"In the worlds that I create, these
graduation hats will not be allowed."

"I am going to pretend that I can't smell that."

"Being a Princess is hard work.Should I tell them that they don't need to kneel? A small bow and curtsy would be fine."

"Yes, I am marvelous! Everyone says so! Pretty is as pretty does..
CONGRATULATIONS Princess Kailey. We love you!

Friday, June 5, 2009

I left my heart in Idaho...

A few pictures of our very short trip to visit Giz, Nick, and two of my perfect grandchildren. We planned on staying longer but we got called back to work. I loved bath time and bed time. I got to read a darling book about Itsy Bitsy Spider. After about the third reading my words began to slur a tad bit. Itsy Bitsy became something else. [I dropped the S and added CH instead. ACCIDENTLY.] We had a good laugh.I got to help Caleb say his prayers. He was so excited about seeing the puh-nik and "urple" flowers that filled the town.Kimberly and I were saying how bright McKell was. We then asked her where her nose was she would point to the middle of her forehead. Everytime. "Missed it by this much." Ummm, yeah...she'll catch on [and all too soon!] We enjoyed our visit sooo much!