Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here are the answers...

1. Which is the best known pirate weapon: the cutlass
2. Which is NOT a type of boat pirates would use: bilge, it's the lowest part of the ship
3. What was the real name of Blackbeard: Edward Teach
4. True or false-Jack Sparrow's character in "Pirates of the Caribbean is an actual historical pirate? My source says: false
5. Put these pirate guns in order from largest to smallest: musket,blunderbuss :[I have no idea what this looks like] and pistol

1. "Un-Break My Heart" F. Toni Braxton
2. "We Belong Together" D. Mariah Carey
3. "You Light Up My Life" A. Debby Boone
4. "Physical" G. O. Newton-John
5. "Macarena" B. Los Del Rio
6. "Smooth" H. Santana
7. "Mack the Knife" E. Bobby Darin
8. "Just A Dream" C. Carrie Underwood
9. "Daughters" J. John Meyer [a side note: Ryan took me to a concert of his. He is a favorite of mine]
10."Just To See Her" I. Smokey Robinson

Just something to think about:
If lawyers are disparred and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it stand to reason that electricians can be delighted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked and dry cleaners depressed? -Virgina Ostman

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Last installments of pictures of our trip to Yellowstone!

This guy seems to be saying, "I'll do exactly what I want when I want, and no one can stop me!"
I don't want to mess with this dude...

This is Old Faithful beginning to spout off! I was much more impressed when I was younger.

Old Faithful as it reached its peak...

The whole thing lasted about a minute and a half. We waited about an hour to see it. Go figure...

This is some of the gang [one slightly over the hill] patiently waiting for Old Faithful to do its thing...

...still waiting...but ohhhh sooo pretty!

If Justin and Cortney could find a way to bottle just some of Kailey Girl's energy, we'd all be very rich! I LOVE her enthusiam! Her zeal for life!

McKell has her eye on a fat chipmunk and grandma has her eye on her!

A car ran into this tree and knocked it down. It was a good size tree and I really hope the people who hit it is okay. And just around this fallen tree.... the buffalo I was able to take two pictures of...

...before I took my fateful slip.

This is the picture I took as I broke my left ankle. Justin said he heard the snap and thought I had stepped on a branch. They were about two vehicles back from us.

This is the hospital in Rexburg, Idaho. It is just a few blocks from Giz and Nick. I don't know who took this picture but it is appropriate!We had a great time [for the most part] and I promised Darci and Don that our next family trip will be planned so they can be with us! Thanks again for the wonderful help I received when breaking my ankle!

Monday, August 17, 2009

More pictures of our Yellowstone trip...

The Grand Tetons.
Now this is a stylin' family...[where is Caleb's sunglasses?]

Is this family made from cream cheese? How beautiful are they?

The sun was in their eyes...

Jakers wanted to do this. Maybe next year...[yeah, over Grandma's dead body}

These next few pics are some of my favorite! I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED holding this boy!Excellent Lovin'!

What JOY!

This is the best that life has to offer! Thank you family for these extraordinary grandchildren!

This is one buffalo we weren't afraid of. Kailey Girl is lovin' it!

This is in Jackson. We had just arrived so we did a little shopping while we waited for our dinner reservations.

I LOVE this picture! Caleb is sooo stylin'!

Guess you could say that Kailey Girl was getting into the spirit of things! Gavin and Mckell were ordering pizza for this Brat Pack while I took this pic. The old brat pack was Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Peter Lawford. Anywho...they were the cool of the cool.. .and now they have been replaced! We had stopped at a candy store earlier and Jake and Kailey were anxious to try these wax soda bottles out. Jakers was planning his attack and asked me which one I would try out first since I used to have these when I was a kid. [It's nice to be recongized for my experiences! tee hee]

Some candid shots as we waited to head up the mountain on the tram. Some more old time candy.

Beautiful Giz and Family...Nick is checking his tickets...not picking his nose.

Grandpa trying really hard to get a good picture. It was really crowded in the tram. At fist I was a little leery that Gavin might get frighten as we climbed but not this kid! He stood up and pressed his head against the glass as we went higher and higher! Grandma held onto him for dear life though...

Jakers showing how flexible he is...

....and not to be out-done...Kailey Girl! I still have pictures from Old Faithful to post, but this will do for now.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A few pictures of our wonderful trip to Yellowstone...

Randy and myself.
McKell at the restaurant. I couldn't resist taking these pictures while we were waiting for our food.

Giz getting a big smile from McKell. Caleb is busy with his crayon art.

Gavin isn't picking his nose. He is showing Grandma and Grandpa where his nose is. So brilliant.

This picture is what Gavin is pointing at. I posted it backward...

Gavin was so excited and making the most darling noise! I LOVED it!

Jakers and Kailey Girl going crazy over this lady's dogs.

This is the buffalo that was walking on our side of the road. Justin and Cortney were in front of our small caravan. I took these pictures after they past. Giz and Nick were behind us. I took these three pictures just in case I could capture him. It was pretty awesome!

This is a BIG animal. Never been this close before.

An eagle and his nest.

A few candid pictures of our group.

My darling grandchildren...picking and loving the wild flowers. [forget the elk. Flowers are much more interesting.]

Randy making sure he is sucking his stomach in for his photo shoot! Gotta' love it!

Tortney heading back up the hill towards their vehicle. I'm anxious to see what pictures she took.

These pictures were taken while some of our crew had to go potty.

This is not the pictures of the bison when I fell. This guy was just before I took the dive.He ignored me while I took several shots and then...

He was walking through this grove of trees...

...and this is when I decided I had taken enough pictures. I didn't like the look he gave me!

This baby squirrel was poking his head out to check us out. We were on our way to see the fall.

He didn't seem to fear the huge mass of people that were passing by.

I have more pictures to post, but I will wait so that this post won't be too long.