Monday, April 26, 2010

I knew I had missed one! It's because I'm Justin loves to remind me!

I meant to include this beautiful, perfect child in the post. I had such a wonderful visit. Thank you daughter. I miss being there. I love to go shopping with you! We'll be back soon! Please check the next post...-k-?

A few more pics of our trip to Cortney's...and since Cortney says no more pics of her butt, I posted these. {Love ya daughter}

We went to check on the condo in Scottsdale and we found several cactus in bloom around the condos. The desert is in bloom and so I decided to snap a few pics. Darci's purple tree had already lost the purple so I didn't bother to get a pic, but I do think of her every time I see the tree!

I believe this is a century plant. It was really tall...[taller than me,tee hee.]

This is one of my favorite resturants to visit when in Arizona. Randy now requests to go there.

Our reason for living...
I took several pics of the kids but they don't hold still! Only a few precious seconds and then BAM! They're on the move again. I got several kisses and hugs though!

The kids were unwinding at home...or should I say bouncing around and having fun.
I thought I had a good front pic of Gavin but he whirled around once more!
This is Kailey Girl in one of her favorite poses! I don't think she EVER holds still! They all so much energy. I miss them all so much.

After viewing these pictures again I know why I want to return to Arizona!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some pics of our visit in Las Vegas on our way home from Cortney and family.

This is the largest chocolate fountain. This is at the entrance to a candy store but we didn't go in. Check out my eye candy though...all he needs is to be dipped in chocolate.
Yes, it's spring and I'm having a difficult time getting rid of the giant ants in my garden. Any suggestions?
The giant bumblebees are a bit of a problem too...[the "droppings"don't ya know. They fly overhead and then SPLAT! It gets to be messy.] I don't mind the huge flutterbys though. Wow! Who is that gorgeous hunk posing in this pic? I just know he's checking me out.

I loved these plates. I wanted one but they are $225.oo each. I fell in love with the fruit and vegetable ones. I thought they were fantastic. I only got a few pics of these flowers. There was a good selection of flowers, etc. but Randy was in a hurry to eat [as usual] and we didn't have much time. tee hee... This is The Giardini Garden Store in the casino.

Yep. This is a pic of my front yard. [If only!] Beautiful though it is, this is in The Belagio Casino. I'm not sure I spelled it right but the display is spectular.
I'll post more of our Arizona trip soon...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And we thought that Disneyland was the happiest place on earth! This just goes to show you what grandparents know...

Snakes, snakes, and still more snakes!This is Jakers and Kailey Girls favorite place. The Reptile Store...yep...creepy crawly snakes, lizards, turtles,and baby lizards breaking out from their eggs to be born, etc. {I'm still having nightmares about this store}
Papa is a big help with Ashlyn. She's a chunk of gorgeous baby flesh. {Cortney's milk must be pure cream.} Cortney is bringing up the rear with Gavin in her arms. I sure miss that boy!
Everyone is checking out the merchandise....
...while Jakers is indoctrinating us with his phenomenal knowledge about these "delightful" creatures.

I can't remember what Kailey Girl is looking at, but you can be certain it's slimy and it slithers...and she's lovin' it!

We are being introduced to corn snakes. Yep...they WANT one. Jake knows ALL about them. I can remember how I felt when Cortney wanted a hamster...{at least it was fluffy}I didn't realize how lucky I was! Ya know what they say about paybacks! tee hee
Look closely at the plant life in this aquarium...all is not as it first appears. Can you tell the plants from the snakes?
I believe this is a python...a small one! Yep...they want one. {where oh where are the hamsters when you need them?}In the snakes belly of course.
Baby lizards...
Papa is finding all this interesting and Cortney is doing very with her coping skills...I really admire her. She just keeps taking deep breaths and repeating..."Everything is copacetic, everything is copacetic, EVERYTHING IS COPACETIC!
Kailey Girl admiring the lizards.
Jake is doing all he can to convince his mother that having a pet snake is "KEWL". "I don't mind if the snake gets to be over three feet. I like large snakes. Besides, they don't bite and if they do bite they're not poisonous. So...can I have one?" {He can be very persuasive. Good luck daughter.}
Hey Sister Pooh...we need to get you a bedazzler! In your spare time you can put some "bling" on your back pockets. [as if you had spare time]tee hee...Gavin loves these things too. He's a small bulldozer in jeans and hat. I honestly don't know how Cortney balances everything. Truly amazing how she meets everyones' needs.
As Jake and Kailey hold a corn snake, this guy is showing Cortney how to tell the sex of the snake. She may need this "skill"...after all... shouldn't everybody know this? [Jake considers this important to know.]
I got real lucky. I got to "pet" the snake. Jake couldn't understand why I didn't want to hold it. I'm sure he thinks that grandma is a weirdo for not holding the snake. [Everything is copacetic...yada, yada, yada...I know what I did wrong...I forgot to breath.]
No fear with these two.
Jake is loving this! We had a blast! We enjoyed this new world with Cortney and kids. We did learn a lot and we enjoyed the kids' enthusiasm.
I miss them all sooooo much. {yeah...snakes and all.}
I asked Darci to pick out an appropriate background for this blog. One that Jake and Kailey would approve of. She'll do her best she says.